Body Contouring

Muscles account for about 35% of the body, and most slimming devices on the market only focus on fat, not muscles. and currently, only injections and surgery are used to improve the shape of the buttocks. In contrast, RF body contouring uses high-intensity focused magnetic resonance + focused unipolar radio frequency technology to train muscles and permanently destroy fat cells.

The focus of magnetic vibration energy stimulates motor neurons to continuously expand and contract autogenous muscles to achieve high-frequency extreme training. This kind of contraction cannot be achieved by your usual exercise but the radio frequency of 40.68mhz releases heat to burn fat while heating muscles at the same time to increase the contraction force, double stimulation of muscle proliferation, and improve the body’s blood circulation and metabolic rate, while maintaining a comfortable temperature sense during the course of treatment.

It combines two types of energy deep into the muscle and fat layers, strengthening muscle, firming skin, and burning fat for a perfect triple effect; The energy pulse of 30 minutes of treatment can stimulate 30,000 strong muscle contractions, which help the fat cells to metabolize and decompose vigorously.

What can I expect during a radiofrequency magnetic body contouring treatment? Radiofrequency magnetic body contouring treatments are generally well-tolerated and do not require any downtime. You may experience a warm sensation during the treatment, but it is generally painless. Most people require a series of treatments to achieve their desired results, and treatment sessions are usually spaced several weeks apart.

Are there any side effects of radiofrequency magnetic body contouring? Radiofrequency magnetic body contouring is generally safe and well-tolerated. Some people may experience mild redness or swelling after the treatment, but these side effects are typically short-lived and resolve on their own.

Is radiofrequency magnetic body contouring right for me? Radiofrequency magnetic body contouring may be right for you if you are looking to improve the appearance of cellulite, reduce fat, and tighten loose skin without surgery. It is important to have a consultation with a qualified provider to determine if this treatment is right for you.



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